WR 8 is a Wolf Rayet star in the constellation of Puppis.
Wolf Rayet stars are very hot massive stars with a high rate of loss of mass. Given the loss of mass large amounts of material are constant being blown off the star. The winds of material create broad emission lines in a range of optical spectra.
The average Wolf Rayet star has at least 25 times the mass of our sun and a life span. Of only a few hundred thousand years. Only 220 Wolf Rayet stars have been identified in our galaxy so far. The stars generally end in a super nova.
Visible in the image is the considerable amount of material in the Hydrogen Alpha and OIII spectra that have blown off of WR8.
Imaged in Ha, OIII and RGB on my Planewave CDK 700 at Observatorio El Sauce, Chile.
Image acquisition and processing: Mike Selby