I originally imaged NGC 6769,6770 and 6771 in 2021.
This year I imaged again to improve the data quality and resolution.
The luminance component of this image now has 25 hours of exposure time which allowed for a significant improvement in both signal to noise and resolution.
The trio consisting of NGC 6769, 6770 and 6771 are located around 198 million light years away in the constellation of Pavo.
NGC 6769 and 6770 are spiral galaxies that are heavily interacting with obvious star bridges between them.
NGC 6771 the galaxy at the bottom of the trio is an unusual box shaped galaxy.
There are numerous star forming regions within the arms of NGC 6769 and 6770 some of which is likely triggered by the interaction between the two galaxies. NGC 6769 also exhibits some unusual dust lane configurations.
Imaged in LRGB on my Planewave CDK 1000 at Observatorio El Sauce, Chile.
Image acquisition and processing: Mike Selby