NGC 2293 is sometimes referred to as the Pumpkin Galaxy
NGC 2293 is a lenticular galaxy with hints of a spiral structure. The old stars that comprise it give the galaxy an orange color. Located in the FOV only 0.8 arc minutes away from NGC 2292 lies NGC 2293. Both galaxies appear to share a common envelope and a complete ring of neutral hydrogen gas has been found to encircle both galaxies. The ring apparently has a color change to the southwestern view, that has been attributed to the presence of star formation. There is however, a marked absence of HI near the centre of the two galaxies. It is possible that the ring is the result of an ongoing merger between the two galaxies, that would result in a giant elliptical galaxy.
Imaged in LRGB in our RiDK 700 at El Sauce, Obstech Chile
Integration Time: 27 hours
Image Processing: Mike Selby