M 42 the Orion Nebula is possibly the most famous nebula of all and often one of the first subjects people image when initially getting involved in Astrophotography. It is one of the brightest nebulae and is visible to the naked eye. The massive cloud of ionized hydrogen contains a young open cluster of four primary stars known as the Trapezium.
M42 nebula is part of a much larger nebula system known as the Orion Molecular Complex, which extends throughout the Orion constellation and includes such objects as the Horsehead Nebula and M78. This region certainly has no shortage of fascinating objects populating its part of the night sky.
Imaged in SHO narrowband on our RH 350 wide field telescope at Observatorio El Sauce, Obstech, Chile.
Image Processing: Mike Selby
Integration Time: 13.5 hours