SNR G304.4-3.1 i

SNR G304.4-3.1
SNR G304.4-3.1

SNR G304.4-3.1 is a Supernova Remnant in the constellation Musca at RA 13 08 01 and Dec -65 33 36 in the area of the Theta Muscae multiple star system at an estimated 7400 light years from here. The system contains a Wolf Rayet star and two large companions. The Wolf Rayet star is the second brightest Wolf Rayet at Magnitude 5.5
The filaments of the remnant are primarily OIII and are relatively faint, hidden in a very dense star field. The general area is rich in Hydrogen Alpha content. The remnant is thought not to be directly connected to Theta Muscae.

Imaged in Ha OIII and RGB on my Planewave DR 350 at Observatorio El Sauce, Chile.

Image Acquisition and Processing: Mike Selby

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